Recruiting and Hiring
Why Choose Us
We help draft job descriptions for each position and review and update those that are already in place so that they accurately reflect the qualifications and duties of the position.
We review resumes and phone screen qualified candidates against a targeted set of questions to determine if an in-person interview is the appropriate next step.
We provide clients with tools to aid in the interview process and train hiring managers how to conduct interviews to be compliant and ferret out the best candidate for the job.
We recommend the best recruiting venue, draft the ads, and place the ads/job postings with selected websites, job boards, newspapers, universities and associations to attract the best talent.
We prepare for the new hire’s first day: coordinating technology, office space, and business cards. We then complete all the new hire paperwork and submit to the appropriate parties (payroll, insurance carriers, etc.) so the client doesn’t have to worry that something was missed. Finally, we welcome the new employee to the organization, sending a company-wide announcement and making personal introductions to new colleagues (studies show that employee satisfaction and retention begin from the minute a job offer is extended-see case study).
We conduct reference checks and coordinate background, drug, and physical testing with our preferred vendors, helping clients mitigate the risk of hiring the wrong person.
We draft the offer letter, customized to the client, so that key components of the employment agreement are outlined in writing, helping eliminate “misunderstandings” down the road.
Pretty much any and all, depending on the client’s needs. We draft the job description and the job posting. We collect resumes, review them and sort them into Yes, No, and Maybe piles for managers’ review. We phone screen applicants, schedule interviews, draft interview questions, and conduct the interviews ourselves. We check references, draft and negotiate offer letters, coordinate the new hire set up and paperwork, and conduct employees’ orientation.
We have hired for a variety of industries, ranging from manufacturing to marketing to architectural firms. The key is to develop a detailed job description and understanding of the requirements of the job and to work with your internal hiring team to develop the recruiting strategy and process that works for you.
This depends on the recruiting strategy. Some clients pay us on an hourly basis, others as part of their regular retainer with our firm. The costs for postings (Indeed, LinkedIn, Monster) are a pass through to the client.
We work with preferred providers to facilitate background checks, drug testing, and physicals. They give us lower, “partner,” pricing, and we serve as a liaison between the provider and clients to select the appropriate screenings for the position, communicate with employees, and run the tests.
First, all a recruiting firm does is recruit; they typically do not offer other HR services, like drafting job descriptions and onboarding employees. For this reason; however, they are often a great resource because ALL they do is network, network, network with potential candidates, often with those that are more desirable/currently employed. Some clients balk at the standard 20-25% of first year’s salary that recruiters charge, but depending on the position (often those in niche industries), it can be worth it (think of what you would pay someone internally to network and sort through thousands of resumes). Second, as referenced above, recruiters earn a hefty commission. This is why, depending on the position, clients may be better off hiring from job boards and through industry affiliations. This being said, we do routinely partner with recruiters to fill certain roles, with them supplying the candidates and us screening and scheduling interviews. Clients have to be careful to partner with someone they trust; with such a large commission at stake, many recruiters will place anyone with a beating heart, rather than someone who is the best fit. This is one of the reasons why having internal or outsourced HR, to serve as a project manager/intermediary, is important.
Yes, we routinely write job descriptions for our clients. In instances where there are not job descriptions in place, we draft them and then work with the management team to customize to their needs. Where job descriptions exist, we review, revise and update.
The job description is the backbone of the employment relationship. Because it outlines the essential functions and requirements of the job, it drives the recruiting, compliance, and performance management functions. Here’s how. Recruiting: It helps you draft an ad/job posting reflective of the position, attract the right candidates, develop interview questions tailored to the role, and select the best person for the job. Compliance: It helps defend hiring decisions in cases of alleged discrimination and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) guidelines. Performance management: It is the reference point for employee development, performance reviews, and often, discipline and termination.
We recommend that job descriptions contain a header that includes job title, supervisor, and FLSA status. The body should include a section that outlines the essential functions of the job, a section for education and experience, and a section for skills and abilities. A final section, where the employee signs acknowledging receipt, is optional.