Hr compliance training

HR Compliance Training


Recruiting and Hiring Do’s and Don’ts

Performance Management, Discipline and Termination

Why Choose Us

Flexible Support

Outsourced HR



Cost Savings


EnformHR provides organizations with the tools to become compliant and to stay compliant amidst the ever-changing legal landscape. We handle training, updates, and compliance issues around the following topics:

  • State employment laws
  • State and Federal leave laws including FMLA
  • Federal laws including: ADA, EEOC, ERISA and more
  • I9 compliance
  • Payroll & benefits including 401K
  • Recordkeeping
  • Employment law poster programs

Big or Small, Be Compliant

Businesses of all sizes are recognizing the growing challenge of complying with complex, rapidly evolving employment laws as well as the potential legal and financial consequences of noncompliance. Since shortcomings in key areas of compliance can put businesses at a significant competitive disadvantage, it makes good business sense for companies of all sizes to use the many tools and services available to become, and stay, compliant.

Contact Us Today for Our HR Compliance Training


Human Resources Trends and Insights

Utilizing disc training transforming teams and driving organizational success

Utilizing DiSC Training: Transforming Teams and Driving Organizational Success

In today’s workplace, collaboration and communication are critical skills to possess, and finding the right tools to enhance these skills can make all the difference. One such tool is DiSC, a powerful resource designed to enhance communication skills, give employees the tools to build more effective relationships, boost teamwork and productivity, and foster personal and…
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Confronting workplace incivility how to foster a positive work environment

Confronting Workplace Incivility: How to Foster a Positive Work Environment

Workplace incivility refers to rude, disrespectful, or insensitive behavior in the workplace that can negatively affect the overall work environment. This can include behaviors such as belittling comments, gossiping, ignoring colleagues, or displaying a lack of professionalism. In its simplest form, workplace incivility refers to any behavior that disrupts the normal flow of work.  The…
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Exempt vs. Non-exempt employees what’s the difference

Exempt vs. Non-exempt Employees: What’s the Difference?

Classifying your employees can feel like an easy part of managing your team. Choosing an employee’s department, how they get paid, their job title, and whether they’re full-time or part-time are just a few examples of how businesses commonly classify their employees. Seems pretty simple, right? Well, some classifications are not so easy. One of…
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Should you manage your own payroll?

Should You Manage Your Own Payroll?

The intricacies of processing and managing payroll are often much more than most people think. As a business owner, you may be wondering if you can handle the time and energy it takes to manage this integral business process. The answer here is it depends. For example, I can fix my water heater, but I…
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"Cristina Amyot’s company, EnformHR, was recommended to our firm to help assist in updating our employee handbook. We are a small, unique business, and Cristina was extremely quick to grasp the concept of our company and assess our HR needs. Through much research on her end and continuous communication regarding revisions we now have a custom tailored handbook that will carry us through the next few years seamlessly. Cristina provided HR training to our directors, addressed our staff to introduce the handbook, and with great detail, explained the revisions using practical examples to provide the utmost clarity. altered image has continued to call upon Cristina’s expertise with any “pop up” HR issues and considers her to be a valuable resource."

- Kenneth G Ward, Controller/Director of Operations

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